work in progress

after yesterday’s quick decor post, i realized that i hadn’t caught you up to speed on where we are with the house! we’ve just been settling in and slowly unpacking for the most part, but i thought it might be fun to share some of the “before” photos of the house in the week prior to moving in! as i’ve shared before, the house was built in 1926 with one major renovation done in 1970. it’s got tons of vintage features like crystal door knobs, the original hex tiles in the bathroom, and beautiful vintage windows throughout. i was immediately drawn to it because it had not been updated with the standard builders grade cabinets or granite countertops, and it still maintained a lot of it’s original integrity. something that i could renovate to fit my tastes and restore to it’s original vintage charm.

our first task? ripping out the terrible brown wall-to-wall carpeting that was covering the original hardwood floors. we knew there were wood floors under there, but it was a mystery as to what kind of condition they were in! i had been itching to get in there and pull it all up the entire time we were in escrow, and i can’t tell you how satisfying it was to finally get rid of that stuff! fortunately for us, the floors were in pretty decent condition, so we were able to move in. unfortunately, they’re still going to need to be refinished!

the moment of truth. pulling up the first corner of carpeting to reveal the floors underneath.

my hands were sore for days after pulling out every single staple from the floors with a pair of pliers. it seemed as though there were thousands!

i was most concerned about adam’s bedroom because even before we pulled out the carpeting, i could tell that a wall had been removed between the original room and a service porch. fortunately, the wood floors ran all the way through the room, but it definitely needs to be refinished along the area where the walls and closets had been. there were also a few holes where there had previously been hot and cold water pipes and what appears to have been a water closet! kinda gross, but it cleaned up pretty well, and i’ve covered it up with rugs in the meantime. also note those heavy seafoam green drapes straight from 1970! imagine this room after they set it up that year, complete with green shag carpet!

those vintage crystal door knobs are my favorite!



  1. Looks fantastic, it’s going to be a gorgeous home for you and your lovely little family – those floors will look incredible once they’ve had a good sanding! We’re in the middle of house hunting (which is so painful in London) and have our hearts set on a 1930s fixer upper – but it’s a sealed bid process so we’ll be sweating about it for two weeks, what a headache! Can’t wait to reach where you’re at, when we can pull everything up and get decorating :) xx

    1. ah, yes, i know that feeling all too well. i don’t know what it’s like in london, but the market is very tough in california, even in suburbia! i have my fingers crossed for you!!!

  2. gotta say, after not checking your blog for a while, it’s made me really happy to see that you got The Place! I remember people commenting on the blog that things happen for a reason and that you will find the right place, but I’m so glad for you it worked out the way it did and you’re now there! how cool. best of luck for the renovations and putting your stamp on it all.

      1. I feel the same way- 18 months later and our place still feels like we are on holidays. (Mind you, the vacuuming makes it feel a bit more real!)

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