outfit: the long and short


it’s hot outside, you guys. over the past several weeks, i’d been seriously trying to let my hair grow out again, but when my pal and stylist called me up and asked me where i’d been, you better bet i caved and asked him to hack off a few inches. besides the fact that i always feel most like myself when i have a bob, i could not bear to feel my hair on my neck in this heat for another day. i have really dark, thick, and dense hair that gets so hot, i feel like i’m wearing a helmet! if shannon hadn’t come to the rescue, i may have inadvertently played out this scene from napoleon dynamite when pedro shaves his head. speaking of shannon, he just started working at a new salon in hollywood called pretty pretty collective. if you’re looking for a new stylist, i strongly urge you to try him! he’s been a friend for years and he’s the only person i trust to go near my hair.

one thing that is getting longer is my hemlines. a couple years ago, you would’ve seen me hacking this dress to an obscenely short length. but these days, i barely even wear dresses or skirts, and when i do, the longer the better. and really like the proportions of this one, and now i kinda wish i had it in a million different colors. because, yes, i am one of those crazy people who buys the same thing in multiples if i really like it!

vintage top
denim midi pinafore dress with raw hem courtesy of asos
clare vivier messenger tote
sven criss cross low clogs
classic bristol watch in rose gold courtesy of daniel wellington (get 15% off with code “erinhagstrom” through july 30)





  1. I understand how brutal the hot summer can be with thick hair that holds the heat — good thing you pull off the short hair so well. ;-) I really like that dress on you, it reminds me a lot of what my mom used to wear when I was younger. I mean that in the most complimentary way!

    Dee | http://www.daundra.com/blog

    1. thanks, and bahaha no offense taken! i am one of those rare people who finds it to be a compliment if you say i look like someone’s mom or even grandma!!! it’s par for the course when you’re into vintage.

  2. that’s my favorite hemline length right now as well. Somewhere between ankle and knee, with a super high waistline and a bit of flare. summer. uniform.

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