glad to give


we may be in the middle of yet another heat wave, but the seasons are changing and it’s officially fall. i’ve been slowly getting into the mood with a few decorations here and there, but more importantly, i’ve been doing a lot of cleaning up and clearing out. hard to believe it, but adam is 21 months now, and he’s just about grown out of all his summer clothes. i’ve even had to say goodbye to many of the baby toys he once loved so much! he’s still occasionally entertained by a rattle or little wooden clutch toy, but i have to face it, my little baby isn’t so little anymore! but having to cycle through new things so frequently while he grows and changes has been a good exercise. it helps me to realize how fleeting these moments truly are, and it reminds me not to get too attached to stuff. our collection of stuff is not what defines us, and once it’s served its purpose, it’s time to move on.

but of course, most of the things that adam has outgrown have barely been used, and still have lots of life left to them! so it was perfect timing when glad asked me if i’d be interested in teaming up for this post, in hopes of inspiring others to donate their gently used goods to those in need. you can visit glad to give to schedule a free donation pickup from a local charity of your choice.



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