maternity style: baby on the way


that’s right, we’re going in for round number two! today i am exactly 17 weeks along with my second little dude or dudette. i don’t really have much to share other than one of my typical outfit posts. at this stage in the pregnancy, i basically just look like i ate a really big burrito, though i’m sure that will change any day now. yesterday i discovered that i can no longer button my largest pair of jeans, so i’m scrambling to pull together my maternity wardrobe! it’s actually a funny coincidence that i even have this dress. kinwolfe reached out to me a few months ago and asked if i’d like to try one of their maternity nursing dresses since i’m still breastfeeding adam. little did i know that only a few weeks later, i would find out that i was pregnant! needless to say, it was a lifesaver to have it hanging in my closet when i started to burst out of all my normal clothes.

and this time around, when it comes to getting dressed, i’m a lot more focused on comfort and practicality than when i was pregnant with adam. now i kinda feel like this seasoned veteran, and in a way, it’s fun to be able to have this whole arsenal of learnings from the last time around. it’s really helped me to feel much more calm and positive about the whole process. and i am so excited to see what this next little human being is going to be like!

silk radiant maternity/nursing dress courtesy of kinwolfe
benah for karen walker handbag
hatch cashmere socks
swedish hasbeens pearl high



  1. Congrats! It’s really interesting seeing your last lot of maternity outfits and how your style has changed not just during your pregnancy but over the last few years. Can’t wait to see how it evolves further :)

  2. Congratulations! It will blow your mind how amazing it is to watch your kids together. I get choked up all the time when they are so tender and sweet with each other. So happy for you!

    1. thank you! and that is so nice to hear. i am just barely wrapping my head around the idea that i will have two of them, but i just know it’s going to be so beautiful to see them together. :) :) :)

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