outfit: the refashioners diy jacket


you may remember last summer, i took part in portia lawrie’s the refashioners challenge and made myself this simple wrap top out of a thrifted men’s shirt. well, this season, she asked me if i’d be interested in taking on a new challenge. despite my success last time around, i was still feeling pretty intimidated. i don’t know how to draft a pattern and my sewing skills are still sitting somewhere in the beginner level. but despite those restrictions, i still love a challenge, however daunting it may seem.

the new challenge? refashion a pair of jeans (or two or three or ten) to create an entirely new garment. i have to admit, this was a but perplexing at first since the only denim clothing i own are pairs of jeans. but after spending some time thinking about my favorite simple designs, i came up with an idea: a poncho! and yes, this was in large part due to the fact that a poncho is essentially two pieces of fabric sewn together with a hole for the head. my version is simply open in the front with some sleeves attached for a sort of modified poncho jacket. if you’re interested in trying it out yourself, grab a few pairs of old jeans and head on over to the diy!


wearing: elizabeth suzann georgia midi in raw silk, young frankk necklace, brookes boswell cortland hat, j.w. hulme legacy handbag, martiniano glove shoe



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