gift guide: for a very curious 20-month-old

just like my previous gift guide for the brainy not-quite-4-year-old, today i’m sharing a very specific gift guide. it’s my christmas list for edith. she’ll be close to 20 months on christmas day. but if you could ask her, she’d tell you she’s as big as her brother and that she can do anything he can. edie is on a mission to get into everything: inside the cabinets, on top of the dining room table, up the christmas tree, into adam’s toys and clothes… there isn’t really anything she isn’t into. she’s a super curious kid, and she’s still really young, so she’d probably like just about anything we gave her. but she is forming some pretty strong interests, too! she is obsessed with babies and dolls and tiny figurines. she loves to hold them and kiss them and brush their hair. she enjoys playing in the dirt more than any kid i’ve ever seen. and would you be surprised if i told you that my own daughter is obsessed with dressing up? oh yeah. so below are some of the things that i’ve added to her list this year.

alphabet blocks – since edie is singing her alphabet (and just about every nursery rhyme she hears), i figured it’s the perfect time to get familiar with the letters. plus all of the blocks by uncle goose are adorable!

bambi hoodie hat – did i mention that my daughter loves to play dress up? she has a little collection of hats and shoes, and she’s made a little game of trying them all on. she’ll demand that i change her clothes at least once a day. i see a future with a very large collection of dress-up clothes and i think she’ll really get a kick out of this bambi hat!

the holdie house – i know she’s still a bit young for doll houses, but on a recent trip to the local toy shop, we could hardly pull her away from the display of calico critters. so while we aren’t quite ready to go all out with teeny tiny pieces, we picked up a few of the figurines and this adorable little house to go with them!

big sister mouse in a box – adam has one of these little matchbook mice and ed has all but claimed it for herself. it’s on the same tip as her early obsession with calico critters. the little boxes with their tiny pillows and blankets are hours of entertainment for this little one.

farmer’s market playtime kit – edie spends a good amount of time playing with adam’s play kitchen, so i think this little activity set would be a fun addition to our collection. and i think the little matching game with be a great primer for her because she’s about to start a toddler program in january!

animo 4-piece sand play set – digging in the dirt is a serious pleasure for my daughter. her current set of garden tools was yet another hand-me-down from adam that has seen better days. i think she’ll really enjoy these pretty colors and shapes. but really, it’s all about the dirt!



  1. We ended up getting our almost 4 month old the Maileg medium cat doll. I really hope I can get her into the tiny mice and a dollhouse someday. So unbelievably cute!

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