outfit: adventure time

calivintage - ace & jig fall 2017

i can hardly believe it, but today was edie’s first day of school! she’s 20 months, so it’s not some rigorous academic thing, but it is a really lovely toddler program at the montessori school where adam has been going since he was about the same age. i’m so excited for her because she’s such an independent kid and i know she’s going to love it! but let me tell you, after being at home most of the day with two kids for the last four years, it’s such a strange feeling to have both of them out of the house. it’s just so… quiet. and now i’m sitting here in a bit of a daze, trying to figure out what to do with myself!

but as much as i miss all of the activity and excitement of having both kids running around the house, i have to admit i’m pretty excited about having more time to work. when i decided to go independent after adam was born, i had no idea how much i would miss working full time. i know that probably sounds crazy to some, but i really loved the sense of purpose i got from my 9-5. i’ve still always worked on my blog and updated my vintage shop, but over time, i really slowed down online. it got to the point where i wasn’t able to update things for weeks at a time, and i wasn’t even sure if i could even keep up with it anymore. but things change quickly! and suddenly i have all of these hours in the day again! and it may take me a little while to get back into the swing of things, but i’m so excited for the new adventures ahead of me!

wearing: patti dress in captain courtesy of ace & jig (currently on sale!), karen walker x benah bag (this is a past season item, but baggu makes a really similar style!), maryam nassir zadeh andrea mules, suncrest hat in panama straw courtesy of brookes boswell

calivintage - ace & jig fall 2017
calivintage - ace & jig fall 2017
calivintage - ace & jig fall 2017
calivintage - ace & jig fall 2017
calivintage - ace & jig fall 2017


  1. You’ll get back to it don’t worry. Creative time is invaluable time. Gobble it up as much as you can! As for the outfit you’re wearing – stunning!!! You look fantastic!

  2. awww in school already??? That went so quickly!
    I feel like blogging is really dead lately. I was so in shock that my blog got more views this year than last year because no one comments anymore and I just feel like it is not how it was about ten years ago…You are wonderful!

    1. true! i think more of the commenting and interaction happens on instagram these days, but i don’t think it’s dead! if anything, it’s on the rise. just really different than what it was when us old-timers started out!

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