outfit: thirty five

this post is about a month overdue. but i thought i should write a proper post to tell you that i hit a milestone. i turned 35-years-old in january! which is surprisingly hard for me to grasp? when people ask me my age, i have to pause and think about it for a moment because i sorta still think i’m only 30! it’s almost as if time stood still for me after adam was born and i’ve just been coasting along in this state of limbo, caught between my old life and this new one that is centered so squarely on two little kids. in fact, adam’s birthday is about a week before mine, so i have a hard time even remembering that mine is coming up because the dust is still settling after the holidays and his big day. which is not something i mind at all. it just means that i’ve stopped keeping track as well.

and i suppose that’s probably pretty typical once you get to your thirties. it’s not like when you’re a kid and you’re counting down the days until you’re 18 or 21 or even 30. and there really isn’t anything particularly special about turning 35. i suppose it’ll be pretty big when i turn 40. but for now, i’m happy to be where i’m at. i’m excited about the year ahead, and i’m enjoying my time adjusting to a new schedule with both of the kids in school now. i’m getting that “me” time that had been almost non-existent for so many years, and i’m thinking forward about my business and what i want to accomplish moving ahead. all really wonderful, positive things!

but more importantly, this is still a fashion blog, right? so let’s talk about clothes! the moment i laid eyes on this ace & jig dress in the fall, i knew i had to have it. i envisioned it styled exactly like this, with kitten heel mules and a little drawstring pouch. an updated take on a totally ’80s look. i wore it on christmas and on my birthday. and honestly, if i could get away with it, i would buy this same dress in several different colors and wear them all of the time!

ace & jig lyon dress (it’s sold out in this color, but the link is for the same dress in henna, and it’s on sale!)
maryam nassir zadeh andrea mules (on sale! and get $20 off your first order when you use that link!)
clare v. henri bag (mine is actually the petit version, which has sold out)



  1. This made me laugh; I have had to confirm twice today that I’m turning thirty-five this year, too – I keep either thinking I’m already thirty-five or, aware that I’m prone to getting ahead of myself, thinking I’m only thirty-three (outsmarted myself again!). I used to wonder how my mother could forget her own age when I was a kid. Now I know. I also feel like I’m turning into the Dad from 10 Things I Hate About You; I do buzzfeed quizzes and fist pump when I know the meaning of words like benching. That said, 30s are the best. Belated happy birthday!

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