earlier this month, i compiled this set of inspiration photos featuring ladies sporting warm winter clothes. and since then, i’ve already compiled yet another collection. oh, the wonders of tumblr and an addiction to street style sites… so while i may not live in the coldest environment ever, i think i have sufficiently schooled myself in the art of keeping warm. all of these photos have taught me the importance of owning several different coats in all number of colors and shapes. and a close second to furs and scarves and tights.
too bad i waited so late in the season to acquire said items. i just barely ordered a nice brown coat from ben sherman and i’m expecting a pair of warm and cozy 210 denier tights any day now. haha, just in time for my trip to my hometown in southern california. i bet it’ll be 75 degrees there!
column a: ingrid sophie schram via altamira nyc via songofstyle, styleclicker, the thinking tank, copenhagen street style
column b: refinery 29, lÁ©a seydoux via the thinking tank , juliette h. via lookbook, cocorosa
:D It doesn't get very cold in SoCal. I moved from there about three years ago, and now I'm in a really cold place, I still have a really pathetic winter wardrobe, these are great pics!
ahhh, these looks make me hate the cold a little less. bundling up has never looked so fashionable :)
I can't resist a good coat.
These are all gorgeous. My fave is the top left with the beautiful fur hat and brown accessories.
i love this, so cozy,
He he, that might be bundling up if it”™s a cooler day in the south, but that”™s not how it looks where I”™m from!! Either way really cute post! I wish I could look that cute when it”™s cold here!
you have the best compilations, which is why i love following you on tumblr and on this blog! (:
Brrrr, its -3 degrees (celsius) here! And may even get colder! Although i love winter & wrapping up warm it gets to a point where its just TOO cold! Love these inspiration pics…my faves have got to be the second ones down on each side. Can't wait to see your new coat!
these are really great! I love love love shorts with tights (as in the last pic) but I'm rarely feeling brave enough :]