so i’m gonna come right out and say it: i didn’t take any outfit pictures and i was sort of at a loss for what to post today. it happens sometimes when life is busy and i’m feeling stressed and the weather is strange. and then i remembered that i’d been meaning to post some outtakes! a while back i did a post with some photos that just didn’t turn out, but they were just kinda artsy and weird. so i promised i would put up some silly photos, but then never got around to it! so here they are in all their glory. i’m sure i have tons more, but these are a few that caught my eye while going through the old photo archive. ok, i was actually going through the trash folder. that’s where the real gems are.
i know that i’m usually kinda serious in my typical photo shoots. i don’t know exactly why, i guess it’s because i want to put the focus on the clothing and not my face. i also have really crooked teeth, and while i’m not embarrassed by them in real life or anything, i somehow learned over the years to keep my mouth shut for pictures. anyway, people sometimes say that i look sad, or they ask me why i never smile. well, the answer is: i do smile. all the time. and i make a whole range of weird and funny faces. i also have a deep appreciation for physical humor, so i often make wild gesticulations in an attempt to be funny. so um, consider this to be the side of calivintage you’ve never seen before. enjoy!