i don’t know how many blogs you read based out of northern california, but if you read mine on a regular basis, you’ve probably noticed that i’ve been complaining a bit (ok,
a lot) about the unseasonably mild weather we’ve been having here, despite the heatwaves all over the rest of the country. in the mornings while i drink my cup of coffee, i’ve spent a fair amount of time reading blog posts about the unbearable heat… in front of a space heater.
in july. so this weekend, after waking up to one too many overcast mornings, we decided to hightail it outta here and take a trip inland to a place where the weather is just right. so yesterday, me and the boy made our way to
del valle regional park for a bit of sun.
i have to tell you, i can’t recommend this swimsuit enough. i tried it on immediately after it arrived in the mail and actually kept it on and just walked around the house wearing it because it made me feel so good. a lot of swimsuits are just too flimsy for me to feel comfortable, but this baby fits like a dream and is very supportive.
anyway, i felt pretty shy about showing pictures of myself in a swimsuit, so i decided to break the ice with a list of things you probably didn’t know about me, since we’re getting so intimate today!
1. i’m a middle child. i have an older sister who’s about to turn 30 and a younger brother who’s 23. i look up to both of them.
2. i come from a working class background. when i was growing up, my dad was a truck driver for frito lay and my mom worked as a part time 1st grade teacher’s aid and art teacher at a small elementary school. she sometimes worked up to 3 jobs at a time, for which i am very thankful!
3. when i was in high school, i tried out my first pixie cut. soon after, i experimented with dying my hair cotton candy pink, dark pink, purple, turquoise, orange, and firetruck red. i also remember one summer when i was 15, i wore a ninja turtles muscle tee, a bandanna as a headband, and men’s levis 501’s almost every day.
4. i became vegan at age 15 and stayed that way for about 8 years. now i find it hard to be strict about anything. in the words of maude from harold and maude, “it’s best not to be too moral, you cheat yourself out of too much life.” it’s obviously more complicated than that, but that’s the short story.
5. harold and maude is actually one of my favorite films. i never talk about it on my blog, but i’m really into movies! some of my favorites directors are federico fellini (le notti di cabiria), jean luc godard (a bout de souffle), wes anderson (rushmore), spike jonze, (being john malcovich) hayao miyazaki (totoro), tim burton (beetlejuice), the cohen brothers (raising arizona), stanley kubric (a clockwork orange), todd solonz (welcome to the dollhouse), david lynch (wild at heart), the list is miles long… hit me up if you ever need a recommendation!
scarf: vintage silk scarf from my mom
sunglasses: karen walker
swimsuit: bathing beauty one piece in wine courtesy of modcloth
flip flops: long’s drug store