for this week’s installment of cycle chic, i thought i might share some old photos from a bike tour i went on waaay back in 2007. though i should probably give you a disclaimer: i wasn’t very chic on this ride. just bike shorts, sandals, and tank tops on this ride. yep, this was before i started my blog and before i got a fancy digital camera. the photo quality isn’t the best, but i wanted to show you what a bike tour looks like! for this particular trip, me and my partner started our ride in arcata, ca near the northern border of california, and ended up in bodega bay, just north of san francisco. we would ride between 40 – 60 miles per day carrying all of our own supplies and stop at state parks to camp for the evening.
anyway, we’re planning a similar trip at the end of august, but i think we’ll be starting up around portland this time. and since i’ve had more experience doing these types of rides now, i’m excited to bring along a laptop computer and my fancy camera to blog about the trip from the road! and this time i hope to share some pointers for chic outfits to wear while still being comfortable enough for camping and riding so many hours on a bike. looking back at these photos and reminiscing about that trip have gotten me seriously excited for the next one! i can’t wait!
we began the trip in arcata, ca.
the world’s largest hammer.
we had planned to camp at the humboldt county fair grounds one evening. to our surprise, the humboldt county fair was in full swing. bonus!
i loved you and your apple pies and beer in plastic cups and carnival rides.

aha, so that’s why they call it ferndale.
tee hee. cows.

we opted to ride along the lost coast for this ride. it was a particularly grueling and intense ride, but the views once we reached the short were worth it.

after a seriously hard day of riding, we were rewarded with freezing cold showers.
a morning cup of coffee is crucial.
and back up over another mountain. it’s a good feeling to get to the top.
it was particularly fun when we made it to the avenue of the giants. lots of fun tourist attractions!

after so many days of riding, sometimes you need to treat yourself to a junk food feast!
ah, the beautiful california coastline.