ever since i first laid eyes on lydia, i have been in awe of her fun and quirky style. she has so many outfits, it was almost impossible to pick only a few to show you here! when it comes to thrifting, she’s got quite the eye. and when she isn’t finding amazing pieces out in the shops, she’s piecing together new dresses and accessories right at home. her latest d.i.y. le sac dress has gotten me so inspired, i’m going to do an entire blog post about it!i recently asked her a few questions about her inspirational style.
oh hello there! can you tell us a little about yourself?
Hi, I’m Lydia. I’m currently a Barista at Starbucks… but I hope to become a stylist after completing a Fashion Merchandising diploma!
ok, now tell us about your style inspiration. where do you get your ideas for all of your amazing outfits???
My inspiration comes mostly from fellow bloggers! There are so many girls with amazing style on the Internet, it’s hard to keep up sometimes. A few of my favourite blogs (this is the very short list!) are Hand It Over (Wendy has a knack for making simple, comfortable outfits that still are astonishingly cute!), Garbage Dress (Zana is my hero, confidence wise. There is no messing with her!), Karla’s Closet (Best haircut, hands down. She was part of the reason why I chopped off my hair! So adorable with a killer collection of shoes), Taghrid (another girl with insane confidence), Ringo, Have Another Banana (Her vintage sensiblity is almost the exact same as mine), Neenee (She makes clothes that will blow your mind. So innovative and stylish, with a lot of color!), and of course calivintage (She’s got so many vintage finds I want to steal!). I also love looking at streetstyle blogs like Garance Dore, Sartorialist, Face Hunter, and Turned Out, among many others. Other than a lot of internet surfing (you should see my google reader, I either get inspired by random colors and ideas (All of a sudden, I will have an outfit in my head and have to go either hang it up, or write it down), or things in magazines like Nylon, Teen Vogue, Elle, Preen, Ruush, and Lula. I also look at online stores, designers etc. Basically, many MANY things inspire my outfits.
do you have any style advice for other young ladies out there?
My advice is to be fearless. Corny? Maybe. But honestly, 98% of great style is boatloads of confidence… Don’t be fearful of color and patterns. They are what makes a good outfit that much better. Also, check out thrift and vintage stores, which are an endless source of unique, fun pieces. Also, don’t feel like the only way to be stylish is strictly to be trendy. Trends are great, but so is individualism.
do you have any links to share?
I’m the proud owner of whistle.vintage, an online affordable vintage boutique! I also have a blog, Style Is Style and you can find me on Chictopia, Flickr, Weardrobe and Lookbook.