i hadn’t really stopped to fully acknowledge it before now, but boy has my life changed over the past year. i mean, i know it goes without saying since i had a baby, quit my day job, and became a full-time caregiver and whenever-i-catch-a-moment freelancer and blogger. i’m really happy that i’m able to pull it off, but i would be lying if i said it wasn’t without it’s challenges. last week, i realized that things were starting to get a little monotonous around here, and that i really needed to shake things up if i wanted to break free from the usual routine and get myself into a better headspace. whether you have a traditional 9-t0-5 or not, sometimes you just gotta play hooky.
so on monday morning, i started things fresh. the night before, i resolved to hide my phone from my bedside so i wouldn’t be tempted to mindlessly stare at that glowing screen until some ungodly hour of the night, a habit that i’m embarrassed to admit was really causing me some major sleep problems. and isn’t it funny how that works? the next morning, it was almost as if that one seemingly tiny change caused this little ripple effect to ever so gently push me through the day unencumbered by my usual routine. instead of checking my emails first thing, which i’m apt to do most mornings, i turned on some music instead and gave my dad a call to invite him on our morning walk around the neighborhood. of course, this meant that when adam drifted off for his morning nap, i wasn’t at my computer to answer endless emails and publish my usual blog post. and i actually felt this little twinge of guilt knowing that i’d shirked off a day of responsibilities, but sometimes that’s exactly what you’ve got to do.
so i’ve been out and about, embracing the last couple of days and enjoying the change of the seasons. on monday, i took adam with his great-grandparents to the pumpkin patch to enjoy the festivities. rows and rows of pumpkins in all colors, a hay maze, a petting zoo, pony rides, and even a little train, all spread out on a little farm complete with dogs lazily roaming around. my 82-year-old grandfather, proudly carrying adam in his arms to show him around. we’ve been to the playground several times just to sit and watch the kids run around, and to push adam on the swings. and i’ve been dutifully keeping my cell phone out of reach, so i’m not tempted to peek at social media in every free moment. i’m already feeling more energized and ready to embrace the coming months, complete with plenty of work, but remembering not to skimp on play.
thrifted t-shirt, altered by hand
time zone necklace courtesy of academy jewelry
thrifted vintage linen pencil skirt
peep toe high clogs courtesy of swedish hasbeens
coach bucket bag courtesy of twice
horseshoe ring courtesy of erica weiner
gold scoop ring courtesy of giantlion
up24 courtesy of jawbone (read more about it here)