This post is sponsored by Target.

since becoming a mama earlier this year, i now have a new accessory to add to my repertoire: the diaper bag. before adam was born, i somehow managed to forget about this very essential item. the one i carry now is actually a weekender bag by kate spade saturday that i packed for the hospital. when we got home, it sorta just morphed into the diaper bag after i discovered that i could no longer leave the house without an array of very essential baby things. and now, several months later, what was once merely an afterthought is now one of my most crucial necessities. i’ve even begun to take great pride in how quickly and efficiently i can pack this bag, like a doomsday prepper anticipating a really major diaper blowout. or, you know, like a mom who might be excessively worried about somehow managing to lock herself out of the house (am i the only one who worries about that kind of thing?) or who has one of those rare babies who can’t stand to be in a carseat for more than five minutes.

all kidding aside, the diaper bag really is my lifeline. i pack it every day and never leave the house without it. i keep it in the stroller on our morning walks around town, and i toss it into the car when we head out on afternoon excursions to the park (or to go thrifting!). if we visit friends or family, it’s always nearby, filled with all of the essentials to help adam feel right at home. so of course, i was thrilled when target asked me if i’d be interested in sharing a peek at my tried-and-true baby essentials:

my selection of diapers is mostly based on whatever eco-friendly option is available. we’ve had about the same success rate with every brand we’ve tried. i’ve found that they key is to make sure they fit! we’re currently going through a big case by seventh generation, but i’ve also been happy with earth’s best and babyganics.
baby wipes
these are not only great for their intended use, but are also very practical for wiping dirty hands, toys, and various spills. they’re so useful, i actually don’t know how i lived without them before i had a baby. we’re been using seventh generation, but just about any brand will do.
the toys may come and go and change over time, but don’t get between a baby and his favorite toys. at this stage, his favorites are usually little teethers that are easy for him to clutch in his little hands. like every baby on the planet, he loves his sophie and we never leave the house without her. he also really enjoys chewing on this silly little baby banana teething toothbrush, and lately he’s been really into his ladybug rattle and bumblebee beeper by plan toys. it’s not currently his favorite, but for months we couldn’t go anywhere without his rainforest tails book by jellycat.

another pretty self-explanatory essential. it’s always good to have a fresh set of clothes on hand in the event that baby decides to make a mess of some sort. in fact, i sometimes even stash a second set of clothes for myself in the trunk of my car. you never know!
like toys, little finger foods can be a really great distraction when adam isn’t so keen on sitting in his car seat. they can be a bit messy, but it’s totally worth it. i simply put him in a bib and let him go to town. his current favorites are these little baby cookies by ella’s kitchen. note: this is also one of the reasons i recently invested in a dirt devil to keep in the backseat of the car!
like many babies, adam has a tendency to get a little bit of baby eczema on his chin from all of that teething and drooling! it’s par for the course, but i’ve found that reapplying a little bit of lotion every now and then really helps to keep his skin free of irritation. i’m personally a big fan of california baby and use their everyday lotion, shampoo and body wash, diaper rash cream, and bubble bath. another little trick if you’re in a bind: a stick of unscented lip balm. got that tip from another mom in the pediatrician’s waiting room!
baby food (optional)
when i can, i let adam try a bit of whatever food i’m eating, but i always keep a stash of baby food in the cupboard. they’re especially handy to have on hand when we go for a long visit with family since he tends to enjoy sitting at the table when everyone else is eating and he can’t always partake in what we’re having. earth’s best is my go-to because they’re organic and free of preservatives or other additives.

but here’s the real beauty behind my well-stocked arsenal of baby supplies: subscriptions. before adam was born, i’d only really dabbled in subscription services. i often subscribe to a weekly csa share for fresh fruits and veggies. and i’ve gotten a few beauty boxes here and there. but nowadays, it’s really important that i always have plenty of baby essentials on hand. at target, you can pick from an array of subscription items, from baby supplies to vitamins to pet food or ink cartridges, then you simply set the frequency of your shipment and you’re good to go. i have my schedule set for monthly shipments, then i just wait for an email notification letting me know when my next shipment is up, and i alter my order based on my needs. this way, i’m never caught without diapers or wipes when adam wakes up crying in the middle of the night. and when i get up in the morning, i know i have everything i need all neatly packed up in my diaper bag, so we can head out on our baby adventures!

all of the target products in this post were purchased by me, and are all items we use daily. thank you so much to target for sponsoring this post. it’s because of opportunities like this that i am able to earn an income and work from home to take care of adam in his first years!