the echo park craft fair

looks like i found the perfect mother’s day gift to myself! my mom is in town and we’ll both be heading to the echo park craft fair this saturday to check out this massive list of artists. since moving to los angeles, i’ve had a lot of fun discovering new local designers, so it’s gonna be fun to see so many cool people in one place and to connect with the community here. see you there!

want: vintage lawn dresses

i’m going to preface this saying that i know this is entirely impractical for my lifestyle, but i don’t think a spring or summer goes by where i don’t find myself wishing i could dress like a sister wife on summer vacation in some dainty vintage lawn dress made of white eyelet. i actually once found one at the alameda flea market for $80 in exactly my size. i was in super bargain-mode at the time, and for some reason decided this was an unreasonable price (it’s not), and i’ve kicked myself for not buying it ever since.

above: ali bosworth.

jeana sohn.


the best nursing bra for busty mamas

before i began breastfeeding, i was pretty anxious about finding a good nursing bra because i already had so many challenges finding regular bras that would not only fit, but also lift, separate, and shape properly. prior to pregnancy, i was wearing around a size 32 ddd, give or take a cup size. by the end of my pregnancy, i was wearing a 36g with an extender in the back. and now that i have adam, i’m wearing a 34i, give or take a cup size. i knew that it would be a multiple step process and that i’d probably have to shell out a lot of money for the many  specialty-size bras i’d have to buy as my cup and band size fluctuated in the first few months post-pregnancy. but fear not, if you find yourself in a similar situation, i’ve outlined my experience and recommendations to hopefully help you along.

as i approached my due date, i headed to target and bought an inexpensive nursing “sleep” bra. it’s essentially a really soft and stretchy sports bra that you can easily lift up or pull down, and that just very gently holds you in place. i wore it for the first two weeks post-partum when i was basically just laying around the house in my pajamas recovering from the c-section and feeding the baby. it’s recommended to wear a soft bra like this during the very uncomfortable engorgement period.

once i was feeling a bit more comfortable and a little less full, i transitioned to a slightly more supportive soft cup nursing bra by elle machpherson. this bra is probably all you need if you fit into regular sizes and don’t need additional support, but since it doesn’t do much in the way of shaping, it does tend to create the dreaded ‘uni-boob.’ it lasted me a couple more weeks before the band size became too large and i was really aching for something with a bit more lift and separation.

my next bra was the highly-rated elomi molded nursing bra. mostly because it was one of the few nursing bras that actually came in my size! putting on an underwire when your breasts are as large and heavy as they are after baby is a really wonderful feeling. suddenly my boobs were lifted and separated, and i felt firmly held in place. but after wearing my trusty elomi for another several weeks, i started to get frustrated by it’s lack of shape. sure, it lifted, but lift does not a good bra make. my main issue is that the seamless cup does nothing to help pull your breasts forward, so if you have large breasts, you basically end up with your boobs in your armpits. not such a good look when you’re trying to fit into a button-up shirt. i was reaching the point of crisis. i was searching for the holy grail of nursing bras, but did it even exist?

dark-chocolate-bra (1)

enter cake lingerie. a very sweet email from the brand landed in my inbox at just the right moment. they offered to let me try out a style, so i browsed through the options on the site and settled on the dark chocolate bra. it comes in a balcony style with a three-paneled cup and a soft underwire, very similar in construction to some of my favorite styles. the top panel is made of stretch lace to accommodate any fluctuations in size you might experience, and it’s constructed with an inner a-frame to hold the cup in place while nursing. when i tried it on for size, i was instantly relieved. the center gore doesn’t lay flat, but it still provides more separation, lift, and shape than any nursing bra i have tried. not only that, but it’s actually pretty! the  exact same style comes in a range of different colors and fabrications from gold nude to bright fuchsia. hands down the closest thing to a regular bra out there, and easily the best nursing bra for busty mamas.


want: selima edouard frames

i can’t tell you how long it’ s been since i’ve wanted a proper pair of round glasses. not a tiny john lennon/harry potter pair, but a slightly oversized pair to fit my slightly oversized face. i think it started at least a few years back when i got my first pair of round sunglasses by karen walker. but unfortunately, the optical style is not as easy to come by as your would think. and even though it’s now been long enough that i’ve almost lost interest, i still find myself coming back to this pair of selima edouard frames. they seem to be the perfect simple style in just the right size. and they just so happen to have a selima optique nearby in santa monica. i should really go try them on!

want: jumpsuits and overalls

i can’t seem to get my mind off of overalls. coveralls? jumpsuits? not the classic denim dungarees or engineer striped osh kosh we had as kids, but a slightly more grown-up one-piece that falls somewhere in the gray area between a jumpsuit and your typical bib and brace overalls. though it’s a bonus if there are actually braces you can fasten, since that makes a few of life’s functions a bit easier…

anyway, i particularly like these jumpers in light, summery fabrics like cotton gauze, linen, jersey, or even silk. my whole life, i never considered wearing them, but then i got this pair from lauren moffatt last spring, and they totally changed my sartorial world. now i want a pair for every day of the week! i haven’t yet found my dream pair, but these are a few options that i certainly wouldn’t mind owning.

above: see by chloe worker overalls

black crane overalls.

the whitepepper sleeveless jumpsuit

hatch overalls.

ace & jig overalls

want: ona camera bag


came across this camera bag by ona bags. i’m always torn about what to use for lugging around my big old canon 5d, but this one might take the cake. a super classic leather handbag on the outside, a practical and functional camera bag on the inside.

want: charlotte stone sandals

i came across these simple sandals by charlotte stone while browsing pinterest (of course) and now i can’t get them out of my mind. they come in a number of colors, but i think my favorite is this pair in white. the brand is based here in los angeles and the shoes are all hand-crafted in brazil. definitely on my (growing) list of shoes i want this spring/summer.