i had intended for this entire post to be dedicated to bow ties, but when i went searching for inspiration pictures i’d collected, i couldn’t find too many of them! which is really too bad because bow ties are such an easy and inexpensive way to add interest to a collared blouse! i really see no reason why these little pretties have been reserved for people like dr. seuss!
but since it is a rather bold statement, i have pictured some loosely tied ribbons and bows as an other example of a more casual way to pull off the look, which would only require a quick trip to the fabric store.
anyway, the saddest part of this post is that my mom has given me several different vintage bow ties over the years, which i have stashed away so well that i can no longer find them and fear that they might be gone forever. i will never forget a particular pink and maroon striped tie with little rhinestones on it… but now i have something to rummage for on my thrift store and antique shop outfits!
what do you think? would you sport a bow tie?
column a: the sartorialist, some girls wander, our paper moon
column b: torunn, alexa chung, copenhagen street style