oh just a little something for a friday morning. last week i got sick and had to stay in all weekend, so i started a little movie marathon. that photo on the left is from Breakfast for Two (1937). it’s actually funny, i’m quite the movie buff, yet i never seem to do any movie posts on this blog! i think it’s partially because i’m trying to avoid putting myself in the position of a movie critic. there are already so many beautifully written synopses and critiques on the internet, and i really don’t think i need to throw my two cents into the mix! it’s funny how much i can stress about what to write in these little posts! silly me.
but i just had to share these two pretty pictures with you. i’m thinking a lot about hair lately because i haven’t gotten a cut in probably two months and it’s in desperate need of some attention. i just don’t know quite what to do with it because i’m fighting the fact that my hair is stick straight and very thick and i’m longing for some soft waves or curls like good ol’ barbara stanwyck over here. lucky for me, i finally found a really good hairstylist who can probably help me out with this. i should really make an appointment!
I love old movies too. The ladies' bedrooms/dressing areas especially. All that decor is amazing…
Wow, those are some awesome pictures, I love the one with the boxing gloves! Her hair is really pretty indeed, it will look good on you too, I'm sure. I hope your hairstylist can do the job.
Beautiful photos. Her hair is stunning. If you give it a try I think it would look very nice on you.
I love it when a look like this is paired with red lipstick.
Oh I love Barbara Stanwyck! She's so plucky and tough and pretty. Have you seen Ball of Fire or Night Nurse or Pretty Baby? Great hair inspiration!
Her hair is gorgeous! I think it would be very chic and vintage-yet-versatile.
Miss Stanwick is beyond amazing. Thank you SO much for sharing thises shots!
The hair is GORGEOUS, and I think you'd look just as gorgeous pulling it off :D
Barbara looks a lot like you! You should do a lookalike photo. I think it would be really interesting to see.
I love that hair!
I also love the blog's new look. I'm not sure how new it is because I read my blogs on google reader. it is fantastic.
What gorgeous hair inspirations! They make me want to embrace my natiral wave/curls! But on second thought, mine would never look that good!
finger curls? grandma?
the left pic is sooooo fabulous!