one of the things about blogging is that we do it from the comfort of our own homes, quietly typing away at our computers and merrily clicking away. it’s easy to imagine that all of us bloggers just sit indoors all day sans interaction with another soul, lest we happen to awkwardly pause as strangers pass by while we’re snapping self-portraits in front of a tripod. alright, maybe that’s just me i’m talking about, i don’t know. but what i can say is that we don’t get to interact with other bloggers all that often, so you can imagine how happy i am to have had the opportunity to meet mickey of
darling darling!they actually came over last week and we enjoyed a nice afternoon talking shop and drinking a few pumpkin beers in a rose garden by my house, and we kinda sorta didn’t take any pictures. but i was lucky enough to get another visit from them today while they got their hair cut by mr. shannon dean, who is also my very own hair stylist. he worked his magic on their asymmetrical cut and they look just as cute as can be.
afterward, we decided that we wouldn’t be good bloggers unless we did a little photo shoot, so shannon took us to a silly spot to see the “cool bus” which has also been featured in this post by his equally awesome girlfriend, jennie of going west. and then i almost had a heart attack after we left and i realized that i had left my camera hanging on a chain link fence near said bus. don’t worry, it was still there when we ran back. phew!
so here we are trying to look cool, sharing stories about trains, and nervously laughing in front of the camera.

more pictures from the shoot are at my flickr. all photographs by shannon dean who also furnished us with the bad, bad cigarettes. they’re bad.
wow. i just found your blog today and i'm already obsessed with it. love the outfit!
Your blog is great, you're beautiful love your hair, and the etsy shop!!
totally envious you got to see diane twice! in sweater weather, too!
awesome photo shoot as well, and you both have fabulous haircuts and wonderful outfits!
Marvelous photo shoot! It looks like tons of fun.
And both of you look fabulous!
Aaah hun, I adore these pics, u guys look amazing, outfits, everything!!! I have to say again, that I am so in luv with ur hair, its so chic! Hope u are having a good week : ) xxx
love it! this is an appropriate location, as you are both two of the coolest bloggers out there.
This bus reminds me of a bus my friends from college made: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Gushi-China/Gus-Bus/25471973410
Hopefully that link works, because their bus is ridiculously amazing. I hope someday I'll get to meet up with some great bloggers! Sounds like fun!
Great! I just realized we are neighbors.
Rose Garden? right around my aparment :-)
Lovely photos! Both of you have great hair cuts, kudos to your stylist. Love your dress with the peter pan collar!
You certainly achieved ultimate coolness, especially in the first image :-)
Maybe it's Mamushka Marie's fault, but I am reminded of Ghost World.
Way too much coolness for one post! :) I love this.
well u looks so terrific with the awesome outfits and espcecially love ur fabulous shoes <333
LOVE your outfits! <3
awesome pictures !
you two look amazing :)
great photos! looks like you had fun ;)
You two are gorgeous. I love that you match!
I know a guy who used to drive a bus that he called the Cool bus as well and it had crazy cool funishings inside. I miss seeing it. Great photos!
Haha they are bad in such a good way. Aww you guys, I feel all happy seeing these photos of you both! Imagine the world without this thing called the Internet.
What wonderful pictures! I love your hair and dress, and really like the first black and white photo. It sounds like such fun to spend the day with a fellow blogger.
Two of my favourite bloggers together! Awesome!
I love her haircut. You both look super cool.
looks like two little schoolgirls gone really bad!
Such cool pictures! You both look so fantastic! I wish some of my blogger friends lived close enough to visit on a regular basis.
Pictures of my new hair later! :o)
these are great pictures! and i particularly like your dress.
aw you guys are too cute.
Yeah, you guys are the adorable-est.
cool bus! awesomenessss.
too much cuteness,you guys!
Fantastic pictures and it looks like a great meeting of the minds. You two look like the rebels cutting class to smoke ciggies under the bleachers…
could you two be any cuter!
i think not…
What an awesome photo shoot. I absolutely adore Darling Darling! ♥
this is amazing. beautiful photos.
i love diane's blog! you two look soo freakin cute in front of the cool bus. i'm jealous!
Look at us, partaking in devious skulduggery.
Haha, I have been waiting to use the word "skulduggery" ever since it was dictionary.com's word of the day a while ago. I think I get nerdier and odder when it's 2:00 in the morning and my eyes and brain are glazed from reading blogs.
Great shoot, you two have great style that works well with one another. Thanks for introducing me to another great blog too! Love DarlingDarling!