just a little something to brighten up a gloomy tuesday. i just found out that i was featured in the italian magazine, zoe. to be perfectly honest, i can’t remember if they interviewed me for this, and i actually don’t know what the article says! my italian friends will have to translate for me.
in other press, calivintage was also listed as a latina blogger you should meet over at the tiki tiki blog. you should definitely check it out if you’re interested in discovering new latina bloggers!
and i was the blogger of the day over at viva fashion blog back in december.
Italian magazine? So chic! Congrats :)
congrats!! i adore your site. so cute!
Boo to gloomy Tuesdays. Yay to being the star of the blogs! x
big congrats to you!
Congratulations! That's fantastic :)
Congrats! How fun to be in print!!!
congrats for being featured :) They say you are a style Icon now that the web and blogs have taken fashion into anouther level and they are so true !
congrats!!! i'm sure you were supper excited about it!!! :)