
cycle chic saturday

so yesterday, i mentioned that i would be introducing a new little feature here at calivintage. so without further adieu, i’d like to announce cycle chic saturday! i’ve mentioned it a few times here on my blog and in a few interviews here and there that one of my passions (besides style and fashion) is cycling. living in the bay area has given me the benefit of being exposed to a rich bicycle culture, and it’s something that i would love to share with you. but being that this is a style blog, i’m not going to get technical and talk about geometry and components, but instead, i’d like to focus on bike design and fashionable cycling attire.

for my first installment, i decided to keep it pretty simple and introduce you to some incredible bikes that are not only perfectly functional, but absolutely beautiful. rivendell bikes is a company based out of walnut creek, ca. (which happens to be about 20 minutes from where i live).

their mission:

“…to make things that wouldn’t be made if we weren’t here, to offer an alternative to racing-centric bikes and parts, and to espouse a different approach to riding. And to resurrect and keep healthy many of the better ideas, designs, and styles of bicycles, clothing, and accessories that we personally like to use or wear.”

while i don’t own one of their bikes (it’s a bit out of my budget range), i definitely admire what they do. the pictures shown here are some of the fashionable bike frames they offer in addition to a range of racks and bags. not only that, but they offer bike camping supplies and cycling attire. each item they sell in their shop is beautifully designed and perfectly functional, so i strongly urge you to check it out!


  1. ah this is so cool! I just got a new (old) bike and cant wait to really start riding it! I need a cute basket too!

  2. Yes! I, too, am a Bay Area (SJ/peninsula) cyclist, and I am so excited for this feature!

    I'm also curious–what do you wear when you cycle? I'm always trying to retain some semblance of cuteness when on longer rides, but I seem to perpetually end up in either slip ons or chucks with shorts and a basic shirt or flannel. Toe clips and cute shoes just don't mix!

  3. this is exciting! i just started following your blog…my cousin introduced me to your site. I am SO excited about Cycle Chic Saturday! I ride my bike ALOT, hardly every drive. i am excited for the cycle fashion feature too!

    Sophi…i have toe clips too and have rode my bike with cute flats, sandals and even really cute high heels. try it out it is weird at first but the hubby thinks its sexy and so do i ;) GO for it!

  4. I too just discovered your blog! I am so interested in watching this space for your 'cycle chic saturdays'!

    I've blogged oodles and oodles about bicycles, all things fashiony and vintage – well, actually the whole cycle chic thing for quite some time now. We should meet sometime! I'm here in the Bay Area as well :)

    p.s Rivendell is such a classy bicycle

  5. where would you recommend looking for reasonably priced bikes? Or are they all pretty expensive?

  6. Oh I love this! Great idea. Those bikes are beautiful…i wish I lived in a place where it was easier to find great vintage bikes…or buy one new.
    Thanks for posting.

  7. those bikes are all jaw-droppingly beautiful. is the pedal in the 3rd picture jewel-encrusted???

    looking forward to your new blog feature…i bet bikes and bike fashion on the west coast are the most amazing, given your year-round perfect biking weather.

  8. YES! I love this installment of Cycle Chic Saturday, I can't wait to see more. It would be great to see what would be cute, yet sensible to wear while riding a bike. Oh, and also, helmets that are cute and don't make your head look like a space traveler.

  9. Those bikes look great, I like Cycle Chic. I own a pashley princess myself, but I wouldn't say no to one of those!

    Also, they are called Rivendell? As in Lord of the Rings? Awesome name!

  10. These bikes are amazing… I would love to have one some day. I ride a vintage Schwinn LeTour and I also have an old Schwinn Breeze.

    Do you read Copenhagen Cycle Chic? I'm sure you would love it.

  11. I'm a NEW cyclist! Just bought a functionally fashionable bike this weekend! What great timing! Looking forward to your Cycle Chic Saturdays very much!

  12. this is awesome, and so are those BIKES! amazing. I really appreciate this feature,as my typical cycling attire is cut off shorts and a grungy t-shirt, you've inspired me to try a little harder as i cycle to the beach this summer!

  13. I so wish I lived someplace where biking was ideal! I would totally buy one of these, they're so cute ^.^
    love this new bike series that you're going to be doing!

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