if you follow me on twitter and tumblr, then you may have already seen my little bursts of excitement over an upcoming event! but before i begin, i suppose i should probably give you a bit of a disclaimer: do not try this at home, kids. your mom and dad will be pissed. yesterday i gave diane of too much too young a tattoo. she had never gotten one before, but had expressed interest in getting one. all she wanted was a row of 3 little buttons going down her wrist. i told her that i had given a few tattoos before, so we made plans and voila!
i am not going to tell you how to do it, but it’s pretty basic. you just need a few simple supplies. booze is pretty much required for all parties involved, but unfortunately we may have overdone it juuuust a little bit. it was sleepy time much to early for us last night, so i haven’t completed my work just yet. in fact, after i write this post, i am going to get to work finishing it up and i will show you pictures of it once it is complete! but for now, i thought i would show you how our day went yesterday.
one of my besties, scott, came over to watch. my kitty wanted his chow fun!
getting in the mood. we had to shake diane’s nerves!
supplies. we wanted four loko for the occasion, but had to settle for sparks.
scott has a lot of stick and poke tattoos. this one is my favorite.
he also has a really beautiful california tattoo. this one was professionally done, of course.
brendan came home and he was wearing this cute shirt that was screen printed by a friend of ours.
antics ensued, but unfortunately i can’t show you the rest of the photos.
Cute, it looks like a good time was had by all!
this is really sweet. your friends look like such nice folks.
hahah that looks like fun and oh my gosh four loko loco is sooooo nasty! I've only tried one flavor though… But I have to admit I used to drink Sparks… haha blech, energy drink and alcohol – not a good mix on a continual basis!
These were fun. I love antics.
hehe DIY tattoos! LEGIT!! Your friend's CA tattoo is gorgeous I also like psych one :) Can't wait to see the rest of the photos!
P.S. – Which Four loko flavor do you recommend??
aww tease. You didn't post the button tattoos! Will she? I follow her blog too.
This looks like you guys had a great time! I can't wait to see the tatoo!
what an adventurous day! I pierced my ear myself in high school but that was the extent of my personally inflicted body art. I want to see the button tat!
He has the most amazing beard I have ever seen. <3
That's so badass; I could myself getting one after a few drinks. I've never tried Sparks or whatever that other one you were talking about.
hahaa this is awesome.
Wild times! ;) I'm so impressed you're doing this yourself… Will you be showing us the finished tattoo? I'd love to see it! :D
♥ Casey
blog | elegantmusings.com
i was all like, "man that looks like s'moore." and behold it was! very odd. very odd indeed.
stoked to see pics of the stick n poke!
ya'll cute as can be, man.
ahh you guys look like you're having the best time. What a really interesting idea (can't wait to see the updates!)
fun! you should tattoo me!
I cannot believe you wanted four loco. That stuff is beast!
I am glad you had lots of fun.
I love love love the last picture !!