i almost didn’t write a post today because, well, i’m out of commission. i’m not sick, but i somehow managed to injure my back over the weekend and i’ve basically been limited to laying on the couch, laying in bed, or pathetically propping myself up at the computer because i can’t seem to tear myself away from it! but avalonne (the girl from hk, ldn, and sf) saved the day with these lovely photos she posted from our brief meeting at the alameda flea market yesterday. it was quite nice to bump into her in her perfectly 70’s get up. and i really enjoyed reading her account of the day, and only wished that i had been able to stay longer!
unfortunately for me, moments after our lovely little shoot, i got a terrible pain in my back and felt as though i was acting out some ridiculous scene from a sitcom where someone throws out their back and everyone laughs as they hunch over, unable to stand back up! i’ve never injured my back before, and i would certainly love it if you could share any stories, tips, or hints with me since i could definitely use some advice. regardless, i’m sure i’ll be fine in a couple of days and back to my flea market adventures as per usual!
oh, and i almost forgot to mention my flea market outfit. i am currently obsessed with this cool sailor jacket i bought for sale on gilt groupe. even though i often think of sailor styles as being very summery, i think this is going to be a nice one to layer up with my fall wardrobe, don’t you think?
jacket: bensoni sailor jacket from gilt
top: vintage t-shirt
skirt: american apparel full woven skirt
shoes: vintage anne klein flats
photos taken by avalonne and her friend, shy. see more at the girl from hk, ldn, and sf.

So sorry to hear about your back. Unable to offer any suggestions as far as that goes. I adore that coat of yours. Hope your up and at it sooner then later.
Ahhh that happened to me last winter!! It was the first time and totally hit me by surprise, and I did it a stupid classic way too, lifting a box incorrectly. I used those icy hot patches and spent some time in the hot tub at the gym with a jet on my back, but honestly for the first day or two I could barely walk. Take it real easy and heat it up if you can!
You two are cuties! I love your jacket! That is terrible to hear about your back… my honest recommendation is to see your family doctor or a physiotherapist.
Oh my goodness! That jacket! Swoon.
Get well soon my dear!!
I threw my back out last year from sneezing. I understand. Honestly, robaxacet saved me. My back wouldn't stop hurting for days, and then all the pain went away a couple hrs after taking robaxacet, and it didn't come back either!
– Patricia
I'm sorry about your back.
P.S. That jacket is amazing.
I love your sailor jacket. I would recommend heat on your back. Trust me, it helps.
i really want your jacket! you should buy some icy hot patches, that is what my mom uses when her back hurts!
sorry to hear bout your back. love your jacket/coat
so so cute! u guys are both so stylish! love it :)
I hope your back feels better! I've been meaning to go to the Alameda flea market for a while now–what do you think of it? Worth the trip from the south bay/peninsula?
Aw two of my favorite bloggers! I pretty much love your coat. Sorry to hear about your back, that's never fun : / One time when I was in 6th grade I fell off of my chair in class, which was already embarrassing enough, and then the next day I just couldn't get up or move. It was awful. And THEN to make matters as bad as they could possibly get, I had to use a rolly back pack. I wanted to kill myself. Anyways, haha, feel better soon! Mine lasted about a week, but I had actually hurt my back falling… hopefully yours won't last too much longer!
I'd wear that sailor jacket everywhere as well…
so cute you two look together! and great jacket. definitely a great fall addition..
as far as backs go, I'm your resource, girl! I've had back issues all my life… lower back, upper.
for lower, first and foremost is resting and actually icing the lower part. definitely also anti-inflammatories. and not resting too much – maybe working up from 5 min walks to 15 min walks over a weeks time… and then stretching! legs, back, arms… and then "Core" work! aka – workout those abs. makes all the difference.
hope you feel better love!
Sorry about your back, get well soon. I love the sailor vibe coat, there's no reason why nautical stuff should be for summer only – people sail all year round!
in these pictures you look like Audrey Hepburn!! I hope you can feel better soon…..:S
Gosh, I'm so sorry to hear about your back. Hope you'll feel better soon, my darling.
I'm absolutely in love with your coat by the way and once again you look adorable on the pictures.
You both look great! For you back, I say Ibuprofen in the short term (assuming you have Ibuprofen in the States…) and checking your posture for the long term. No slouching at the computer!
Wow you both are cool!!!!
I love your jacket, so navy!
Get well!!!!
great pictures ;) I love it
now that's a cool coat calivintage!
<3 Kristin
Oh my–that sailor jacket is amazing!!! :)
Ouch–I have done things to my back before that are quite painful too. The worst was the time I hit myself square in the spine with a 10lb weight while doing overhead triceps extensions. :p My best advice is to get some massage/or someone to gently rub it out and baby it.
♥ Casey | blog
Love the pictures!
Love the jacket, and it's something that can totally be rocked in the winter, I only think of winter when I see sailor stuff, because I wear my grandpa's wool Navy pants all winter long! Love it, and I hope your back feels better soon.
Sparrow & Urchin
Aww I'm so sorry your flea market adventure was cut short due to back pains. I hope it's nothing serious. Last fall, I was working on a film shoot and after some strenuous work, I ended up pulling my back. At first, I thought it was just muscle pain, but it was actually back inflammation. I hope you don't have that, or else you'll need NSAID to treat it. If not, take regular painkillers and get a back massage and take a nice hot bath to relieve your muscles and pain.
It was really nice bumping into you and I hope you like the photos! Take care and hopefully I'll see you at the blogger meetup on Friday. Not sure if I'm going yet though… hmmm.
The coat is amazing with the contrast color trimmings.Totally liked. later, FashionLifeCoach
Erin, hope you feel better soon gorgeous. I want your jacket by the way.
bisous :)
erin, I was there too-at the flea market. wish i would have ran into you. sorry about your back. the chiropractor always helps me :)
Hope your back gets better soon :)
Your jacket is super cute.
love your blog, and your outfits!! xD
Oh, I know back problems. I've had lower back problems since my early teens where my back literally locks up and every nerve in my legs, hips and arms soar with pain. Pain meds don't work at all. My advice is this:
Don't lay down too much, try to walk as much as you can, even if it's just pacing around your house, and try moving your hips a lot (like one does when wearing heels). Do core workout like Kelly Lauren suggested. Take a hot bath with muscle relaxing oils.
And ofcourse, like someone here suggested, it's best to see a doctor :)
Love, love, love your coat by the way!
I'm so in love with your jacket!!!!!!
aww your poor back. Hope you're feeling a bit better now. I love the jacket as well.
you look the sweetest when you smile, cali :) Do take advantage of being a couch potato & I hope you get well soon! xx
Last time I had this happen, I was out of town. My boyfriend took great care of me getting me tylenol, heating pads and Icy Hot. When I felt a little better, I'd walk a little, but not much. When I returned to LA, I saw an acupuncturist. The worse pain lasted a couple of days, but I didn't feel 100% back to normal for over a week.
as a former resident of Berkeley, i strongly suggest that you look up Dr. Patricia Rochette (her office is by Ashby and Telegraph). She does osteopathic manipulation (which is VERY different from chiropractic) and is pretty much a genius at is, I've gone to her for multiple back and neck injuries.
hope you feel better real soon!!!! and congrats on your gig!
Your coat is a-mazing!
I put my back out in August. All August. argh. But pssst. My parents don't know (they read my blog so I kept it quiet)
Oh sacrum you evil nerve-bundle! The first day I couldn't stand on my own at all. Thank goodness it was a Sunday so I got to use my husband as a walker when it was time to brave the walk to the bathroom. It 's crazy how difficult the easiest of tasks can feel when your back is off on one.
I kept laughing at myself which was terribly painful and made me laugh even more.
Hope your back gets better soon. Not hunching over when reading blogs has been a big help for me, a hot water bottle should ease tense muscles and remembering not to cross my legs has been incredibly difficult.
If you can, try to change position every 15 minutes, lie down, sit down, stand up and walk. Just keep those bones moving :)
All the best!
It was nice bumping into you on your way out! Love the Alameda flea market. It was actually my first time visiting. Didn't buy much because I got a little overwhelmed but I'm sure I'll delve right in next time!
totally adore your photos.. i hope your back is feeling better now.. :D
Animated Confessions
eek, so I'm reading this post WAY late, but .. back problems! I've got them. I would take this as a warning for the future and to change your ways asap. I know because I didn't. I threw out my back my freshman year at Cal for 2 weeks, was ok after that, but then threw it out for 2 weeks more. I was totally A-OK after that, so I forgot about it and took it as a random occurrence.
Three years later, I bent down to unzip my backpack, didn't see what I was looking for, zipped it back up, and walked away to realize the most horrific pain of my life, like 10 out of 10 pain. It was also the day before my graduation ceremony, which I heartbreakingly could not attend since I couldn't walk :( It's a year and half later, and I'm still in a lot of pain and doing physical therapy exercises. It turns out that my lower disc had herniated from regular 'wear and tear.' I guess from bad studying posture and not enough core exercises.
Don't let this happen to you (or anyone else) years from now! <3 I'm sure you're better now (I hope!), but my best advice is to never forget what happened and to do hardcore core exercises like pilates. Protect yourself! It's weird because it's something that no one ever talks about, but once you go through it and start talking to people, you find that a lot of other people have been there, too. Good luck bebe!