
outfit: sunshine


yesterday, i was going through my photos when i came across a few snapshots that never made it onto the blog! it was just a super casual day and my outfit was pretty simply, but why not share? yellow just so happens to be my favorite color, yet it’s the color i probably wear the least! i have yellow/light olive undertones to my skin, so i tend to worry that it washes me out a little, but one easy trick to get away with wearing something that “isn’t your color” is to add a swipe of lipstick. for years, i’d just banished certain shades of tan, khaki, and pea green because i didn’t realize how something as simply as a little makeup would help balance it out. so i offer it up to anyone who may find themselves in a similar conundrum. and a reminder to myself that i should enjoy wearing my favorite color a little bit more often!

karen walker sweater
mih halsy jeans
trixie iridescent courtesy of miista shoes
nars semi matte lipstick in heatwave

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  1. Noooo yellow looks SOGOOD on you! Are you an autumn palette? I was but now that I’ve bleached my hair yellow and orange just don’t look as good on me anymore. I looove how fost and cozy you’re sweater looks (o^^o)

    1. thank you! i think i’m a winter palette, which i know they say works with bold colors like yellow, but i find that anything in that yellow, khaki, light green category makes me look really sallow! i don’t know, i have yellow/light olive undertones, so i think i’m probably just always thinking my skin looks too yellow, which i know is probably silly.

      also i used to dye my hair lots of colors and had it bleached for a bit, too. it was surprising how much my hair color influenced what clothes i wore! heck, even the length of my hair influences it!

  2. Hi ! Just wanted to show my etsy account in case you are interested.
    It’s all vintage we’ve got some dior, frank usher and lots coming.

    I know it’s a bit annoying to read comment about another shop online, I’m at my beginning an really excited to get into the etsy lifestyle.


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